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Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of April 26, 2016
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:————————————————————————————————————- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PALLADIUM – NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                      :
CFTC Code #075651                                                    Open Interest is    22,958                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    3,132     8,555     2,346     3,672       512    11,898     4,733       493     2,622     3,335       440 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     April 19, 2016                                                                             :
:     -228       288    -1,307     1,241       161      -309    -1,913       152      -129    -1,365       215 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:     13.6      37.3      10.2      16.0       2.2      51.8      20.6       2.1      11.4      14.5       1.9 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   164                     :
:       11        20        12        11         6        36        22         9        33        18         6 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of April 26, 2016
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:————————————————————————————————————- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
PLATINUM – NEW YORK MERCANTILE EXCHANGE   (CONTRACTS OF 50 TROY OUNCES)                                        :
CFTC Code #076651                                                    Open Interest is    62,482                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:    4,654    31,368     1,704    15,268       873    27,704     6,628       537    18,848     5,071       797 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     April 19, 2016                                                                             :
:      463     1,304      -796     1,863       292     2,609      -881        16      -521        55        45 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      7.4      50.2       2.7      24.4       1.4      44.3      10.6       0.9      30.2       8.1       1.3 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   235                     :
:       16        22         8        14         .        68        16         9        73        20         7 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of April 26, 2016
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:————————————————————————————————————- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
SILVER – COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 5,000 TROY OUNCES)                                            :
CFTC Code #084691                                                    Open Interest is   206,748                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   20,341    76,004    27,212    62,851     9,147    79,825     8,665     9,118    19,949    12,336    11,708 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     April 19, 2016                                                                             :
:      659     2,935      -850     4,092     2,939     2,291      -966      -103     2,495    -1,593     5,157 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      9.8      36.8      13.2      30.4       4.4      38.6       4.2       4.4       9.6       6.0       5.7 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   226                     :
:       14        23        13        13        13        65        14        16        44        45        29 :
Disaggregated Commitments of Traders-All Futures Combined Positions as of April 26, 2016
:                                             Reportable Positions                                             :
:————————————————————————————————————- :
: Producer/Merchant :                             :                             :                              :
:  Processor/User   :        Swap Dealers         :        Managed Money        :      Other Reportables       :
:   Long  :  Short  :   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading:   Long  :  Short  :Spreading :
GOLD – COMMODITY EXCHANGE INC.   (CONTRACTS OF 100 TROY OUNCES)                                                :
CFTC Code #088691                                                    Open Interest is   497,884                :
: Positions                                                                                                    :
:   18,752   165,367    55,117   148,610    42,576   206,476    34,426    25,592    81,697    32,890    20,644 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Changes from:     April 19, 2016                                                                             :
:   -1,317      -929    -1,219    -1,620     1,238    -2,185      -128      -916      -785    -6,862     2,912 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Percent of Open Interest Represented by Each Category of Trader                                              :
:      3.8      33.2      11.1      29.8       8.6      41.5       6.9       5.1      16.4       6.6       4.1 :
:                                                                                                              :
: Number of Traders in Each Category                                  Total Traders:   345                     :
:       17        35        12        17        18        85        37        37        87        59        49 :

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