Why The Arora Report

When most investors and money managers discover The Arora Report for the first time, they often tell us that they wish they had found The Arora Report 10 years ago. Most members tend to stay for the long term. Members love the following:


  • They make money in both bull and bear markets.
  • They get opportunities from across the globe.
  • They get strict risk controls.
  • They get a proven analytical system.
  • They get billionaires’ and hedge fund techniques to reduce risks and enhance returns.
  • They get unrivaled insights.


… and more


In addition, astute investors and money managers find that The Arora Report is the solution to the difficult problem they face.


The Difficult Problem You Face


There is no shortage of advice and information about investing. As a matter of fact, for most investors, there is an overload of investing advice and investing information. Most investors are also bombarded with advisors trying to sell them something.


You face a difficult problem – you recognize that many advisors and a vast majority of information providers are beholden to their self-interests, companies, advertisers, or other conflicts of interest. Add these conflicts of interest to the overload of information, and the problem becomes even more difficult for you.


Since you are an astute person, you already know that it is very difficult to find completely objective and independent analysis where the only agenda is your success. It is even more difficult to get highly curated information and objective analysis in an actionable form without verbosity that is time efficient for you.


In the world of investing, very little is transparent. There are hidden fees everywhere.


The Arora Report is a rare global research firm with the following characteristics:

  • The Arora Report does not sell stocks, bonds, options, ETFs, mutual funds, insurance products, or other investment products.
  • The Arora Report is totally independent.
  • The Arora Report is totally objective.
  • There are no hidden fees.
  • The Arora Report has no conflicts of interest.


The Arora Report is totally dedicated to your interests. Our sole job is to help you succeed spectacularly. The Arora Report has grown by our members recommending The Arora Report to their family members, friends, partners, and coworkers.


The Arora Report has distinguished itself by forsaking millions of dollars in revenues by adopting the following policies to serve astute private investors, investment advisors, and money managers.


  • We have refused to make money by selling stocks, bonds, options, ETFs, mutual funds, insurance products, or other investment products.
  • Advertisements are a big revenue source for most media. The real fact is that advertisers are able to influence the media. Since The Arora Report does not accept advertising, The Arora Report cannot be influenced. This way, The Arora Report stays true to its core value of working solely in your best interest.
  • We have refused to make money by accepting payments from the companies we write about. For some firms, this is the biggest revenue source.
  • We have refused to make money by accepting payments from brokers.
  • We have refused to accept money from public relation firms and investor relation firms.
  • We have refused to make money by accepting investment banking business from the companies we write about.
  • We have refused to make money with hidden fees.


The Arora Report is a rare firm that has adopted all these policies. We serve you without any conflict of interest.

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