Since 2007, The Arora Report remains #1 investment  newsletter of its kind in terms of risk adjusted performance. Our  unique ZYX Change Method and adaptive ZYX  Global Multi Asset Allocation model  combine to give investors, who are The Arora Report subscribers, a big edge in the markets.

We have  happy subscribers across the globe.  The Arora Report subscribers include private individual investors, investment advisors, money managers, stock brokers and institutions. Here is a sampling of The Arora Report subscriber reviews, enjoy!

Nigam Arora is truly a master of the markets. The Arora Report picks are fantastic, and their market timing is truly unparalleled. Other world famous market timers do not even come close to anticipating events the way Nigam Arora does.   In all, I am an extremely satisfied subscriber.  If I could only have one service, it would be The Arora Report.

Charlie W.


I have been an investor for 40 years and have subscribed to many investment newsletters and  used many money managers. The support given me  by  The Arora Report has been awesome!  Arora takes a lot of fear out of investing.  The Arora Report made me 33% annualized in the first quarter  of 2015 and 28% annualized  in the first half of 2015.

Bill S.


I am impressed.  After experimenting with various other techniques, I have found The Arora Report to have an uncanny degree of accuracy balancing risk and gain.  All-in-all, the approach is quite scientific and rigorous.  The Morning Capsules are no-nonsense, written in easy to read language  without any perceivable agenda.   I have learned so much.

Gordon E.


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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

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